Life List

There are these things that I’ve always wanted to do. Some of them, just for fun; some, because I wanted to prove to myself that I could; and a few, because I feel strongly about them (but obviously not strongly enough to not put them off). I don’t share lists like this with people because then you feel some kind of commitment to actually do them. And I am, after all, the Queen of Procrastination. If no one knows about it and if I never do it (for whatever reason – losing interest, chickening out, just putting it off out of sheer laziness), then I won’t seem like such a loser because no one knows, right? So I’ve finally decided to share the list here – with the items in no specific order in the form of a life list (some of the things on here sound a little silly for a bucketlist, so…). It still makes me a bit of a chicken, because this is an anonymous blog after all. But it’s a start. The list will change – I’ll add things that catch my fancy every now and then. But I’m not going to take anything off unless I’ve really given it a proper go. Cross my heart and all that. As and when something gets crossed off, I’ll write a post about it telling you all about my experience.

1. Take a course in Photography
2. Learn Photoshop
3. Write a novel
4. Become a vegetarian
5. Learn to cook
6. Go back to playing the piano
7. Practice yoga
8. Live a fitter lifestyle (incl. lose weight, eat healthier food, work out, etc.)
9. Take a course on Makeup
10. Learn at least one form of Western dance
11. Train my voice
12. Try at least one adventure sport
13. Travel to at least one country abroad
14. Travel to at least one place in India by planning the entire trip myself
15. Take a course on writing
16. Read at least one book on psychology: Toxic Parents by Susan Forward & Craig Buck. Read my thoughts here.
17. Start reading / watching the news and becoming more aware of things happening around me
18. Learn how the stock market works
19. Join a choir – a proper one, not the church kind – even if it is for a little while
20. Read a book on criminal law
21. Visit the opera
22. Go to a live music concert
23. Design a few clothes for myself (and get them tailored too)
24. Do volunteer work for a charity
25. Adopt a dog
26. Learn to drive
27. Learn some form of self defence
28. Go watch a live sports match
29. Meditate daily
30. Go phone-less for a month

PS. I’ve tried to make sure that every item on this list is 100% doable. Also, I haven’t kept any kind of timeline for the completion of the items so far, because – 1. I’m terrible with sticking to strict timelines; and 2. Some of them may not actually be possible for me to do right now. But I’m going to try to do at least 2-3 a year. Not too many (because I’m still the Queen of Procrastination), but still something to make sure that I don’t put them off forever.

Sapphire xx