Movies / TV

Movies: Batman v Superman + Xmen Apocalypse

Genre: Superhero, Action

Two movies that I was really looking forward to watching this year. Two movies that seriously disappointed.

Batman v Superman

I thought the idea was brilliant – putting two superheroes up against each other and seeing who’d win. I wouldn’t have put Batman and Superman together though, because that would be unfair. Batman doesn’t naturally have powers and he’s human. But I still thought that the movie would be really interesting and entertaining. I was wrong. The movie starts off with cut scenes showing the death of Bruce’s parents and the time when he fell into the well. Right off the bat, I didn’t like the way it was shown. It was too vague. I kept waiting for it to change or at least pull together, but no such luck. The movie remains quite vague throughout. The plot was simple and quite see through. The reason for the fight between Batman and Superman was so utterly ridiculous. The reason why they stopped fighting is even more ridiculous. Lois Lane comes off as smart but annoyingly helpless. Batman fights so badly, you begin to wonder how the guy is considered a superhero. I didn’t like the soundtrack. I didn’t like Alfred. I didn’t understand the point of bringing in even more superheroes in towards the end – probably a loose end for another movie. When you want to stop a movie midway because it’s exhausted you, you know the movie is not great.

What did I like then? Lex Luther. His acting, randomly enough, reminded me a lot of Shah Rukh Khan’s at times. Jesse Eisenburg is not someone I’d pick to play a villain, but he does a very fine job. He could have played The Joker with ease. Scarily, he reminded me of my brother at times. The rest of the cast did a decent job. And most of the cast was hot, which is always an added and completely unnecessary bonus.

Rating: 5.5/10 (I liked it better than Man of Steel, but still very disappointing for something that had so much potential.)

Xmen Apocalypse

I made the mistake of not rewatching Xmen First Class before this movie. And I don’t remember watching Days of Future Past at all. As a result, I was lost more than I should have been. My fault. But I don’t think I would have loved this movie even if I had.

Xmen had enough going on by itself without adding Egyptian twists to it. I don’t know if it’s entirely on the Marvel comics or if the movies have taken a different turn along the way. But I felt that they tried to do too much and ended up complicating everything. By the end of the movie, the plot had backed itself into such a corner, there was just no scope for recovery.

The acting was great. The cinematography, set up, special effects were too. But the story gave me a splitting headache. And that can never be a good thing.

Rating: 6/10

I also recently rewatched Epic (the awesome animation movie) and Avengers: Age of Ultron. MUCH better movies.

Epic: 9/10 {I loved everything about Epic except the end – how does a relationship between a stomper and a little person work? How?? I don’t see it.}

Avengers: Age of Ultron: 7.5/10

Favourite AoU scene 😀 :

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